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First "Francisco Mantecón" Advertising Poster Design Competition
Francisco Mantecón


The "Francisco Mantecón" Advertising Poster Design Award are intended as a homage to the man, the good friend and the inimitable creator and artist whose talent and masterly skills illuminated everything related to the image of Bodegas Terras Gauda since the company was first set up.

Francisco Mantecón


It is also hoped, based on deep respect for his work, to open up new future horizons for new creative talent.


Francisco Mantecón was born in Vigo in 1948.

After graduating from Barcelona's San Jorge Art School, he was involved in over 100 individual and group exhibitions, dividing his time between teaching and creative work.

Hewas a member of the Atlántida group and other avant-garde movements.

His obsession with perfectionism in shade and form, based on culture, creativity and talent, made him an indisputable point of reference in the fine and graphic art world in Galicia.

Thingsthey said about him:

Click to enlarge"Un home expansivamente amoroso e fraternal ... A súa man era un bisturí infalibel, virtuoso apéndice de poeta xeómetra" (Xosé Mª Álvarez Cáccamo)
[An expansively affectionate and brotherly man... his hand was an unfailing, virtuoso scalpel, the appendix of a poet geometrician]

Click to enlarge"Como Loost, a sua loita pictórica era contra o ornamento. Creo que nunca coñecín a outro pintor tan teimosamente antifigurativo que fose quen de debuxar tan bel como el o facía" (Ramiro Ponte)
[Como Loost, his pictorial struggle was against ornamentation. I don't think I have ever known such a staunchly anti-figurative painter who could draw as well as he did]
Click to enlarge

"Foi un grande artista do noso tempo, no que a intelixencia nunca permitíu nin o caos nin o xesto innecesario. Construíu unha plástica contundente, robusta e severamente meditada" (X. L. Méndez Ferrín)
[He was one of the greatest artists of our time, whose intelligence never allowed him to fall into chaos or unnecessary gestures. He made art that was hard-hitting, robust and deeply thought out]

"Era un home de trato cordial, con cara de despiste, interesado en moitas cousas: arte, literatura, fotografía, política ..." (Carlos Casares)
[He was a kindly man, with an absent-minded look to him, who was interested in many things: art, literature, photography and politics]

"Polemista, encaixador, malhumorado fugaz, introvertido ás veces, tenro no íntimo, amigo dos amigos" (Fernando Franco)
[Controversial, surly, bad-tempered, flighty, sometimes introvert, tender deep down, and a good friend to his friends]

Things he said:

Click to enlarge

"Quero facer miña a frase de Georges Braque "j´aime le regle que corrige l´emotion"".
[I want to make Georges Braque's phrase my own: "j´aime le regle que corrige l´emotion"]

"Tengo unha arte meditada e premeditada. Reflexiva"
[My art is meditative and pre-meditated. Reflexive]Click to enlarge

"A pintura remata en si mesma, o deseño forma parte dunha engranxe industrial"
[A painting is an end in itself; a drawing is a piece of industrial gearing]

"O meu interés pola xeometría ten que ver coas matermáticas, ca música ... Uso as transformacións xeométricas para xogar con planos e motiva-la percepción espacial"
[My interest in geometry is related to mathematics, music... I use geometrical transformations to play with planes and stimulate spatial perception]

©2002 Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.