Bodegas Terras Gauda



December 2006

News Source: Diario del Alto Aragón
Date: 22/12/06
Section: Culture

International Poster Design Competition

Takahiro Shima wins the Francisco Mantecón poster prize

First-Prize Winner Francisco Mantecón - Takahiro Shima

Isidro Ferrer takes over from Javier Mariscal to head the jury

The lecturer at the Faculty of Art and Design at Osaka University and the head of one of Japan´s best-known design studios, Takahiro Shima, is the winner of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition organised by Bodegas Terras Gauda. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Vigo to attend his prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also the director of the DAS Designers Association, and his long professional career has included awards at the Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York, NY Graphic Poster, Japan Sign Design Association, Kyoto Advertising Association Awards and Asahi Trade Advertising Awards.


News Source:  [ + ]
Date: 22/12/06
Section: News


The jury of the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, awarded the first prize to Takahiro Shima, selected from among 1,400 entries from 62 countries all over the world.

Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a well-known Japanese design studio, has won the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Spain for the prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also director of the DAS Designers Association, and his long professional career has included awards at the "Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York", "NY Graphic Poster", "Japan Sign Design Association", "Kyoto Advertising Association Awards" and "Asahi Trade Advertising Awards".

The leading designer and illustrator Isidro Ferrer took over as head of the jury, a role played in previous years by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné.

The jury stressed the high quality and graphical diversity of the 1,400 entries received this year from 62 countries all over the world. The jury met on 27 October to pre-select 35 finalists from Japan, Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, France, Serbia, Holland and various parts of Spain.

"5th Francisco Mantecón"

The first prize of 6,000 euros is accompanied by the use of the winning poster as the image of Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA for the coming year. Two runners-up prizes and a special mention were also awarded by the jury.

Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, the only company in the wine sector to organise an event of this kind, set up the competition with a view to recovering the former glory of the advertising poster and acting as a creative platform for graphic designers.

News Source: La Jornada (Nicaragua)
Date: 20/12/06
Section: Events

Art and design lecturer wins the fifth Francisco Mantecón competition

The jury of the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, awarded the first prize to Takahiro Shima, selected from among 1,400 entries from 62 countries all over the world.

5th Francisco Mantecón

Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a well-known Japanese design studio, has won the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Spain for the prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also director of the DAS Designers Association, and his long professional career has included awards at the "Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York", "NY Graphic Poster", "Japan Sign Design Association", "Kyoto Advertising Association Awards" and "Asahi Trade Advertising Awards".

The leading designer and illustrator Isidro Ferrer took over as head of the jury, a role played in previous years by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné.

The jury stressed the high quality and graphical diversity of the 1,400 entries received this year from 62 countries all over the world. The jury met on 27 October to pre-select 35 finalists from Japan, Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, France, Serbia, Holland and various parts of Spain.

The first prize of 6,000 euros is accompanied by the use of the winning poster as the image of Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA for the coming year. Two runners-up prizes and a special mention were also awarded by the jury.

Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, the only company in the wine sector to organise an event of this kind, set up the competition with a view to recovering the former glory of the advertising poster and acting as a creative platform for graphic designers.

News Source: Es Diari (Diario de Menorca)
Date: 19/12/06
Section: News

Takahiro Shima, art and design lecturer wins the fifth Francisco Mantecón competition

The jury of the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, awarded the first prize to Takahiro Shima, selected from among 1,400 entries from 62 countries all over the world.

Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a well-known Japanese design studio, has won the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Spain for the prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also director of the DAS Designers Association, and his long professional career has included awards at the "Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York", "NY Graphic Poster", "Japan Sign Design Association", "Kyoto Advertising Association Awards" and "Asahi Trade Advertising Awards".

The leading designer and illustrator Isidro Ferrer took over as head of the jury, a role played in previous years by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné.

The jury stressed the high quality and graphical diversity of the 1,400 entries received this year from 62 countries all over the world. The jury met on 27 October to pre-select 35 finalists from Japan, Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, France, Serbia, Holland and various parts of Spain.

The first prize of 6,000 euros is accompanied by the use of the winning poster as the image of Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA for the coming year. Two runners-up prizes and a special mention were also awarded by the jury.

Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA, the only company in the wine sector to organise an event of this kind, set up the competition with a view to recovering the former glory of the advertising poster and acting as a creative platform for graphic designers.

News Source: ABC [ + ]
Date: 16/12/06
Section: Galicia

Takahiro Shima gaña a quinta edición do concurso de cartelismo «Francisco Mantecón»

Takahiro Shima winner 5th Francisco MantecónO xurado elixiu, entre 1,400 obras de 62 países, o traballo deste xaponés profesor de Arte e Deseño da Universidade de Osaka para a concesión do primeiro premio.

O profesor da Facultade de Arte e Deseño da Universidade de Osaka e titular dun estudo de deseño de recoñecido prestixio en Xapón, Takahiro Shima, é o gañador do 5º Concurso Internacional de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario «Francisco Mantecón», convocado por Bodegas Terras Gauda. Takahiro Shima desprazouse dende Osaka ata Vigo para recoller o seu galardón, no acto de entrega dos premios, na Fundación Caixa Galicia.

Takahiro Shima é tamén director da DAS Designer Association e na súa longa traxectoria acadou premios en distintas edicións da «Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York», «NY Graphic Poster», no «Japan Sign Design Association», no «Kyoto Advertising Association Award» e no «Asahi Trade Advertising Adward».

O xurado do concurso Francisco Mantecón, do que forma parte o Premio Nacional de Deseño 2002 e Premio Nacional da Ilustración 2006 Isidro Ferrer, destacou a alta calidade e a diversidade gráfica das obras que participaron no concurso, 600 máis que na edición anterior.

Esta ano recibíronse un total de 1.400 carteis procedentes de 62 países de todo o mundo. O xurado reuniuse o 27 de outubro e seleccionou 35 obras finalistas enviadas dende Xapón, Singapur, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Checa, Lituania, Italia, Francia, Serbia, Holanda e dende diferentes lugares de España (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Segovia, Guadalajara, Alicante, Asturias e Galicia).

Accésits e mención

Ademais do primeiro premio, cunha contía económica que ascende a 6.000 euros, o xurado tamén concedeu o primeiro accésit a Carlos Romero e Santiago Miniño; o segundo accésit correspondeu a un cartel de Lituania, firmado por Aiste Bileviciute; e a mención especial non incluida nas bases foi para Vladimir Petrovic.

A información sobre a 5ª edición do concurso foi publicada na prensa xeral, especializada e páxinas web de 35 países dos cinco continentes: Japón, China, Taiwán, Singapur, Australia, India, Sudáfrica, Rusia, Georgia, Estados Unidos, México, Argentina, Costa Rica, República Dominicana e numerosos países de Europa.

Takahiro Shima wins the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón poster competition

The jury awarded the first prize to a poster by an Osaka art and design lecturer, selected from among 1,400 entries from 62 countries

Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a well-known Japanese design studio, has won the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Spain for the prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also director of the DAS Designers Association, and his long professional career has included awards at the "Exhibition of the Art Directors Club of New York", "NY Graphic Poster", "Japan Sign Design Association", "Kyoto Advertising Association Awards" and "Asahi Trade Advertising Awards".

The jury of the Francisco Mantecón competition, including the winner of the National Design Award 2002 and National Illustration Award 2006, Isidro Ferrer, stressed the high quality and graphical diversity of the entries – 600 more than last year.

This year a total of 1,400 posters were received from 62 countries all over the world. The jury met on 27 October and pre-selected 35 finalists from Japan, Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, France, Serbia, Holland and various parts of Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Segovia, Guadalajara, Alicante, Asturias and Galicia).

Runners-up prizes and special mentions

Besides the first prize of 6,000 euros, the jury also awarded two runners-up prizes to Carlos Romero and Santiago Miniño, and to an entry from Lithuania by Aiste Bileviciute, with a special mention – not originally planned – for the poster by Vladimir Petrovic.

Information on this fifth edition of the competition was published in the mainstream media, specialist press and on websites in 35 countries on all five continents, including Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, India, South Africa, Russia, Georgia, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and many countries in Europe.

News Source: El Correo Gallego
Date: 16/12/06
Section: Culture

Takahiro Shima wins the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón competition

CREATIVITY – The Japanese designer was chosen from among 1,400 entries as the winner of the poster-design competition organised by Terras Gauda at a prize-giving ceremony held in Vigo yesterday.

Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a well-known Japanese design studio, has won the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Takahiro Shima travelled from Osaka to Spain for the prize-giving ceremony.

Takahiro Shima is also director of the DAS Designers Association and has won many other international awards during his long professional career.

The jury of the Francisco Mantecón competition, which included the winner of the National Design Award 2002 and National Illustration Award 2006, Isidro Ferrer, stressed the high quality and graphical diversity of this year´s entries – 600 more than last year.

This year a total of 1,400 posters were received from 62 countries all over the world. The jury met on 27 October and pre-selected 35 finalists from Japan, Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, France, Serbia, Holland and various parts of Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Segovia, Guadalajara, Alicante, Asturias and Galicia).

Resides the first prize of 6,000 euros, the jury also awarded two runners-up prizes to Carlos Romero and Santiago Miniño, and to a poster from by Aiste Bileviciute from Lithuania. An unscheduled special mention also went to Vladimir Petrovic.

News Source: Faro de Vigo
Date: 16/12/06
Section: Society & Culture

The designer Takahiro Shima wins the fifth Francisco Mantecón Award

Almost 1,400 entries from all over the world were received for the poster competition run by Bodegas Terras Gauda.

The Japanese designer collected his award yesterday in Vigo, at a ceremony presented by Fernando Ónega.

The Japanese designer Takahiro Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University, collected the first prize in the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition at an event held yesterday at the Caixa Galicia Foundation in Vigo. His poster was chosen from nearly 1,400 entries by artists from 62 countries all over the world, including Singapore, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Serbia and various parts of Spain.

5th Francisco MantecónThe event, at which the journalist Fernando Onega acted as master of ceremonies, was also attended by the other finalists and Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the National Design Award 2002 and National Illustration Award 2006, representing the jury.

Shima, an art and design lecturer at Osaka University and the head of a on of Japan´s leading design studios, was very happy with the award and the opportunity to visit Galicia. His poster, which features neither a bottle nor a glass, seeks, in the words of its creator, "to convey a sensation of joy and well-being". When working on the poster, although he had never tasted the wine or been to Galicia, he was inspired by the idea he had of the region, "beyond all the clichés, as a welcoming, stylish, brightly coloured place".

The winner said graphic design in Japan is greatly influenced by what is happening in America. "In terms of technology it´s very advanced, but culturally there´s no doubt that European design is way ahead of us", he admitted.

Besides the first prize of 6,000 euros, the jury also awarded two runners-up prizes to Carlos Romero and Santiago Miniño, and to a poster by Aiste Bileviciute from Lithuania. An unscheduled special mention also went to Vladimir Petrovic.

News Source: La Voz de Galicia
Date: 16/12/06
Section: Outlook

The rising sun comes up in Vigo

The Japanese lecturer Takahiro Shima visited the city yesterday to collect his award for designing a poster for Bodegas Terras Gauda.

Japan drinks wines from Galicia

The expansion of wines from Galicia is now crossing frontiers and time zones. A clear example of this was seen yesterday at the prize-giving ceremony for the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition, organised by Terras Gauda, which was won by the Japanese lecturer Takahiro Shima – an artist who boned up on Vigo on the Internet, added a bit of imagination and came up with the winning poster. "I liked the wine very much because of its smooth, fruity taste. I´ll be taking a few bottles home to celebrate with my friends," Takahiro Shima said. This year´s edition of the competition drew 1,400 entries from 62 countries from all over the world, which were short-listed down to nearly 30 finalists. The Japanese winner liked some of the other entries so much that he took photographs of them with his mobile phone to keep as a souvenir.

September 2006

News Source: AFRIK. Le portail de l'Afrique noire et du Magreb - Le Quotidien Panafricain
Date: 4/09/06
Country: Africa

Concours International de Dessin d'Affiches Publicitaires Francisco Mantecón

lundi 4 septembre 2006

Les vins espégnols Terras Gauda invitent plus de 34 000 artistes d'art graphique du monde entier à participer à un concours d'affiche publicitaire. Le prestigieux dessinateur Isidro Ferrer prend le relais des professionnels reconnus comme Javier Mariscal, Óscar Mariné et Alberto Corazón en parrainant le IV Concours International de Dessin d'Affiches Publicitaires "Francisco Mantecón".

Plus de 34.000 artistes d'art graphique du monde entier ont été invités à participer au V Concours International de Dessin d'Affiches Publicitaires Mantecón, organisé par le productrue de vin espagnol TERRAS GAUDA. A cette occasion, études de dessin graphique et d'universités recevront les normes de base pour qu'ils aient la possibilité de participer à un concours pendant lequel chaque année les professionnels du dessin les plus prestigieux des cinq continents participent.

Le dessinateur graphique reconnu Isidro Ferrer parraine cette année le concours en prenant le relais après les artistes Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné et Javier Mariscal, qui ont fait parti du jury dans les éditions précédentes.

Le gagnant du V Concours International de Dessin d'Affiches Publicitaires "Francisco Mantecón" recevra comme prix la somme de 6000 euros. Par ailleurs, son travail servira de base pour la campagne publicitaire des Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA. Le délai pour présenter les travaux prendra fin le 30 septembre prochain.

Pendant la quatrième édition du concours plus de mille artistes graphiques de pays comme les USA, le Japon, l'Australie, l'Afrique du Sud, le Méxique, la Corée, la Finlande, l'Italie ou Singapour ont participé au concours, qui se consolida de façon définitive au niveau international, en présentant leurs travaux.

Les Bodegas TERRA GAUDA compte 160 hectares de vignobles en Galice (Espagne) et l'an dernier des trois vins produits plus d'un million de bouteilles ont été commercialisés : TERRAS GAUDA, TERRAS GAUDA ETIQUETA NEGRA y ABADÍA DE SAN CAMPIO et se distribuent en Europe, en Asie et en Amérique.

Pour plus d'informations :

Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition

Monday, 4 September 2006

The Spanish winery Terras Gauda is inviting over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world to take part in a poster-design competition. For this year´s edition of the 6Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition, the leading designer Isidro Ferrer takes over as sponsor of the event from such other well-known professi onals as Javier Mariscal, Óscar Mariné and Alberto Corazón.

Over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world have been invited to take part in the competition, which is organised by the winery. This year, graphic-design colleges and universities will receive the entry forms for an event that every year attracts an increasing number of leading designers from all five continents.

This year Isidro Ferrer is sponsoring the competition, taking over from artists such as Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné and Javier Mariscal, who have served on the jury in previous editions.

The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of 6,000 euros. The winning entry will also be used as the basis for Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for submitting entries is 30 September.

During the fourth edition of the competition last year, over a thousand designers from countries such as the USA, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Korea, Finland, Italy and Singapore took part by submitting entries for the competition, which is now firmly consolidated internationally.

Bodegas Terras Gauda has 160 hectares of vineyards in Galicia (Spain), and last year the firm sold over a million voltees of the three wines that it produces: TERRAS GAUDA, TERRAS GAUDA ETIQUETA NEGRA and ABADÍA DE SAN CAMPIO, which are distributed in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Further informationn:

News Source: Planeta Erasmus
Date: September 2006
Country: Italy

Le Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA (Galizia, Spagna) hanno bandito il
V Concorso di Disegno di Cartellonistica Pubblicitaria dedicato a Francisco Mantecón

Sono stati invitati a intervenire più di 34.000 artisti grafici, scuole di disegno e università di tutto il mondo.

A questo concorso potrà prendere parte anche qualsiasi persona fisica o giuridica senza limitazioni.
Saranno accettati lavori realizzati con qualsiasi tecnica pittorica, fotografica, informatica, ecc.
L'argomento sarà libero; dovrebbe preferibilmente riguardare aspetti societari della ditta convocante, fondamentalmente quelli relativi ai suoi vini bianchi.
I lavori dovranno essere inviati a Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spagna, entro il 30 settembre 2006.
Il premio per il miglior cartellone è di € 6.000.
Per il secondo classificato il premio è di € 1.500.
Per maggiori informazioni contattare Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.
tel.: 0034 986 621 111 / 981 22 72 00
fax: 0034 986 621 084

Bodegas Terras Gauda (Galicia, Spain) has called for entries for the fifth edition of its poster design competition dedicated to Francisco Mantecón.

Over 34,000 graphic designers, schools of art and design and universities from all over the world have been invited to take part in the event.

The competition is open to any person or organisation, without restrictions.

Works will be accepted in any medium: painting, photography, computer-generated, etc.

The topic for the entries is open, although it will preferably reflect corporate aspects of the organisers´ business, particularly their white wines.

Entries should be submitted to Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., Carretera de Tui - A Guarda, Km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain, by 30 September 2006.

The first prize for the best design will be 6,000 euros.
With two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each.

For further information, contact Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.
Tel.: 0034 986 621 111 / 981 22 72 00
Fax: 0034 986 621 084

News Source: 224 Posts - Blog
Date: September 2006
Country: Bulgaria

Francisco Mantecón

Bulgaria - Blog
I´ve always enjoyed running competitions and was involved in doing it for a while. A few days I received a second invitation to take part in the now-traditional Francisco Mantecón competition, although I´m not sure if I feel like entering. To tell the truth, when I saw the winning entries last year, the idea made me feel a bit uncomfortable.[…]

News Source: Vision Union
Date: September 2006
Country: China

2006 Francisco Mantecón


Francisco Mantecón 5th Edition of the "Francisco Mantecón" International Advertising Poster Design Competition

The "Francisco Mantecón" Advertising Poster Design Awardare intended as a homepage to the man, the goor friend an the inimitable creator and artist whose talent and masterly skills illuminated everything related to the image of Bodegas Terras Gauda since the company was first set up.
It is also hoped, based on deep respect for his work, to open up new future horizons for new creative talent.

In December 2001, the Board of Directors of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., unanimously agreed X to set up an annual Advertising Poster Design Competition as a tribute to the artist who was not only solely responsible for the design of the corporate image, but also been a friend, efficient collaborator and partner since the creation of the Company.

The winning original will form the basis for the Company's advertising campaign for a one year period.

This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.

Original copies of entries, which must be unpublished, are to be submitted or mailed (by recorded delivery if the participant so wishes) to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda offices in O Rosal (Galicia, Spain). All entries must be submitted in two formats:

- Recorded on a CD or diskette (in PC-readable format)
- Printed and affixed to light card, suitably protected, with a maximum size of DIN A-0 format (118 x 84 cm) and a minumum size of DIN A-4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Any form of photographic, painting or computerised techniques, etc may be used. Under exceptional circumstances originals created using painting techniques (oil, watercolours, guasch, pastels, etc) may be accepted without a computerised format.

Each participant is allowed to present a maximum of two entries.

Participant may base their entries on the theme of their choice, although ideally they will reflect corporate issues of the organising company, principally relating to its white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines. Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company's logo into the design.

If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designers with a vectored copy of the logo that may be apllied to the works, as well as images of their products. These will be available at the following web: and

For more details, please head to
Open to participants from: International
Entries deadline: 30 September 2006 30 September 2006
Addittional information:

News Source: SBB26
Date: September 2006
Country:Czech Republic


Zprávy ze zahranicí

Souteže – akce

Soutež Francisco Mantecón Poster Design Prize Španelská vinarská spolecnost Bodegas Terras Gauda, známá svým bílým vínem, se r. 2001 rozhodla vypisovat každorocní anonymní sou-tež na plakát, pojmenovanou po tvurci identity této firmy. Téma není omezeno, na plakátu je treba použít logo firmy, max. 2 práce vytištené min. A4 + na CD, prilož. anonymní obálka s pseudonymem, v obálce: jméno, kopie obc. prukazu, adresa, e-mail ap., písemný souhlas s pod-mínkami. Budou prijaty všechny práce odeslané do 30. 9. 06, 18 h. Jury: José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Pilar Barreiro Mosquera, Isidro Ferrer, Enrique Costas Rodríguez, Paulino Novo Folgueira, Carmen LLopis, Jordi Martín Figuerola (vítez minulého roc.).
Na slavnostním vyhlášení koncem roku vítez obdrží 6 000 EUR a dva další po 1 500 EUR.
Zaslat doporucene na Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., A: Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain.
Info na
T: +34 981 227 200; 986 621 111; 981 22 72 00;
F: +0034 986 621 084

News from abroad

Competition – event

Francisco Mantecón Poster Design Competition - In 2001 the Spanish winery Bodegas Terras Gauda, famous for its white wines, decided to set up an annual poster-design competition named after the creator of the company´s corporate image. The topic for entries is left open, although the company´s logo must be featured. Maximum: 2 printed works, minimum size A4 + CD, to be submitted in a sealed envelope under a pseudonym, with the envelope marked with the entrant0s name, copy, ID or passport number, address, e-mail, etc., accepting the terms and conditions of entry in writing. All entries received by 6:00 p.m. on 30 September 2006 will be accepted. Jury: José María Fonseca Moretón, Pilar Barreiro Mosquera, Isidro Ferrer, Enrique Costas Rodríguez, Paulino Novo Folgueira, Carmen Llopis and Jordi Martín Figuerola (the winner of last year´s edition).
At the prize-giving ceremony, which will be held at the end of the year, the winner will receive a cash prize of 6,000 euros, with two runners-up each receiving prizes of 1,500 euros.
EEntries should be sent by registered post toa Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., A: Carretera de Tui - A Guarda, Km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain.
Online Information at; and;
Tel.: +34 981 227 200; 986 621 111; 981 22 72 00;
Fax: +0034 986 621 084.

August 2006

News Source: Jaén
Date: 10/08/06
Section: Cultura (Culture)

The Mantecón Prize calls for entries from Jaén

Bodegas Terras Gauda has invited all Jaén´s graphic designers to participate in the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic artists, schools and universities all over the world. This year, local entries are expected to be even higher than in the previous editions.

First-Prize Winner 4th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionAs well as a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s advertising campaign for next year, providing excellent positioning for the winning artist in the markets where the winery is present. There are also two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The deadline for entries is 30 September.

The awards include a cash first prize of 6,000 euros

The competition, which is intended both to serve as a platform for new creative talent and recover the position of poster art, has already become a point of reference for design in all five continents.

This fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition is supported by the high level of participation and media coverage achieved in previous years. Last year´s winning design was chosen from among over 1,500 entries from all over Spain, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile. The designer Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the Spanish National Design Award 2002, chairs the jury this year, taking the place occupied in previous editions by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné.

News Source: La Verdad de Albacete
Date: 9/08/06
Section: Cultura (Culture)

Bodegas Terras Gauda calls for entries for the fifth edition of its poster-design competition

With a total of 9,000 euros in prizes for the winners of this poster-design competition, the organisers hope to increase even further the already high level of participation by artists from Albacete.

Bodegas Terras Gauda has now called for entries for the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, with a view to serving as a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities.

Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionIn addition to a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign, providing excellent positioning for the winning artist in the markets where the winery is present. There are also two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The deadline for entries is 30 September.

The competition, which is intended both to serve as a platform for new creative talent and recover the position of poster art, has already become a point of reference for design in all five continents. This fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition is supported by the high level of participation and media coverage achieved in previous years.

Last year´s winning design was chosen from among over 1,500 entries from all over Spain, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

The designer Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the Spanish National Design Award 2002, chairs the jury this year, taking the place occupied in previous editions by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné. Carmen Llopis, the editor of On Diseño, will also serve on this year´s jury.

News Source: Diario de Burgos
Date: 8/08/06
Section: Burgos


Bodegas Terras Gauda launches its fifth poster-design competition

Artists from Burgos interested in joining 35,000 graphic designers from all over the world in submitting their proposals for the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition have until 30 September to submit their entries.

In addition to a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign, providing excellent positioning for the winning artist in the markets where the winery is present. There are also two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each.

The competition, which this year has invited the National Design Award winner Isidro Ferrer and Carmen Llopis, director of On Diseño, to serve on the jury, is intended to serve as a platform for new creative talent, and recover the position of poster art. Last year over 1,500 entries were received from artists from all parts of Spain, as well as from India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

News Source: Diario Palentino
Date: 8/08/06
Section: Palencia


Bodegas "Terras Gauda" launches the "5th Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition"

Bodegas Terras Gauda has invited all Palencia´s graphic designers to participate in the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic artists, schools and universities all over the world. This year, local entries are expected to be even higher than in the previous editions.

As well as a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s advertising campaign for next year.

News Source: La Gaceta (Salamanca)
Date: 8/08/06
Section: Local

Bodegas "Terras Gauda" launches its fifth poster-design competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda has called for entries for the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón international poster competition, with a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner.

This year the jury will be chaired by the top designer Isidro Ferrer. The winning poster will also be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign.

News Source: Ideal (Almería)
Date: 7/08/06
Section: Cultura (Culture)

Call for entries from Almería designers by the Terras Gauda winery

The artist Isidro Ferrer, winner of the National Design Award 2002, will be a member of the jury

The competition offers a first prize of €6,000 in cash

Bodegas Terras Gauda has invited all Almería´s graphic designers to participate in the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic artists, schools and universities all over the world.

Finalists 4th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionThis year, local entries are expected to be even higher than in the previous editions.

As well as a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s advertising campaign for next year, providing excellent positioning for the winning artist in the markets where the winery is present.

There are also two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The deadline for entries is 30 September.

Creative platform

The competition, which is intended both to serve as a platform for new creative talent and recover the position of poster art, has already become a point of reference for design in all five continents.

This fifth edition of the "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition is supported by the high level of participation and media coverage achieved in previous years.

Last year´s winning design was chosen from among over 1,500 entries from all over Spain, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

The designer Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the Spanish National Design Award 2002, chairs the jury this year, taking the place occupied in previous editions by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné. Carmen Llopis, editor of On Diseño, will also serve on this year´s jury.

News Source: La Verdad de Alicante
Date: 3/08/06
Section: Vivir (Living)

Poster-design competition expects even more entries than last year

Bodegas Terras Gauda has called for entries for the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world who have been invited to take part. This year it is hoped that there will be even more entries from Alicante than the 30 submitted by local artists last year.

The competition, which is intended both to serve as a platform for new creative talent and recover the position of poster art, has already become a point of reference for design in all five continents.

This fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition is supported by the high level of participation and media coverage achieved in previous years.

Last year´s winning design was chosen from among over 1,500 entries from all over Spain, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

As well as a cash prize of 6,000 euros for the winner, the winning poster will be used in Bodegas Terras Gauda´s advertising campaign for next year, providing excellent positioning for the winning artist in the markets where the winery is present.

There are also two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The deadline for entries is 30 September.

The designer Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the Spanish National Design Award 2002, chairs the jury this year, taking the place occupied in previous editions by Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné.

News Source: The Edge
Date: 2/08/06
Country: Portugal

V Francisco Mantecón International Publicity - Poster Design Competition

Este concurso internacional de cartaz publicitário, organizado pela empresa de vinhos espanhola Terras Gauda, e que vai já na 5ª edição, tem o nome do artista e designer exclusivo da imagem corporativa da empresa, Francisco Mantecón. (...)
O 1º prémio tem o valor de €6.000 havendo mais dois prémios de €1.500 cada.
Data limite para entrega dos trabalhos: 30 de Setembro.

Fifth "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition

This international poster-design competition, organised by the Spanish winery Terras Gauda, which is now in its fifth edition, is named after the artist and designer of the company´s corporate image, Francisco Mantecón. […]
The first prize is 6,000 euros with two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each.
Deadline for entries: 30 September

News Source: La Verdad de Murcia
Date: 1/08/06
Section: Cultura (Culture)

140 local artists invited to submit entries for Terras Gauda´s 5th competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda has launched the fifth edition of its Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition as a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world – 1,000 in Castile and Leon and 140 from Salamanca. The deadline for entries is 30 September. The rules can be downloaded from or obtained by writing to the winery at Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal, 36760, Pontevedra.

News Source: Imagen y Comunicación
Date: August 2006
Section: Imagen y Sabor / Vinos (Image and Flavour / Wines)

Terras Gauda´s forum for international creative work

Finalists 4th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionBodegas Terras Gauda has launched in Madrid and Galicia the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, as a "forum for creativity" for over 34,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world.

This year awards were announced by José María Fonseca Moretón, chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda, Enrique Costas, managing director, Paulino Novo, secretary of the jury, and Pilar Barreiro, Francisco Mantecón´s widow.

This year´s event is sponsored by Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the 2002 and 2006 National Design Awards, who takes over from Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón y Óscar Mariné.

The awards feature a first prize of 6,000 euros in cash and two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each.

Gold for Abadía de San Campio

Abadía de San Campio 2005, by Bodegas Terras Gauda, has won the Gold Medal at the "Challenge Internacional du Vin 2006" wine competition held in Bourg, France. This award follows others that the winery has won recently in Slovakia and Italy.

News Source: Kunsthochschule für Medien
Date: August 2006
Country: Germany

V. Internationalen Wettbewerbs im Werbedesign

Hier ist die Teilnahmebedingungen des V. Internationalen Wettbewerbs im Werbedesign Francisco Mantecón, welcher von der spanischen Weinkellerei TERRAS GAUDA ausgeschrieben wurde. Mehr als 34.000 Grafiker, Designschulen und Universitäten aus aller Welt sind zur Teilnahme am Wettbewerb aufgerufen.
Weitere Informationen diesbezüglich findest du in den folgenden Web-Seiten:

5th International Poster Design Competition

Entries are now being accepted for the 5th Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition organised by the Spanish winery TERRAS GAUDA. Over 34,000 graphic designers, schools of art and design and universities from all over the world have been invited to take part in the competition.
For more information, visit the website:

News Source: Basis Wien
Date: August 2006
Country: Austria

V. International Competition Francico Mantecón

Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., is arranging an annual Advertising Poster Design Competition. The winning original will form the basis for the Company's advertising campaign for a one year period.

The works are to be sent to Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A. before 6 p.m. on 30 September 2006. All those works postmarked prior to 6 p.m. on 30 September will be accepted.

More Information:

July 2006

News Source: La Verdad de Murcia
Date: 30/07/06
Section: Región (Regional)

200 Murcia designers to participate in poster-design competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda has launched in Madrid and Galicia the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, as a forum for creativity for over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world – over 200 of them from the Murcia region.

The high level of participation and international media coverage enjoyed by the previous editions of the competition have made it a point of reference for top designers, schools and universities on all five continents.

The interest shown in last year´s edition was reflected by media coverage in countries all over the world, from Pakistan and Greenland to Taiwan, with designers from the Americas, Asia and all of Europe already having announced their intention to take part.

Last year´s winner was chosen from 1,000 entries received from designers from India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

The deadline for entries is 30 September, with a first prize of 6,000 euros in cash.

News Source: Diario de Soria
Date: 29/07/06
Section: Soria

Francisco Mantecón awards call for entries from 80 Soria graphic designers

Finalists 4th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionOver 1,000 graphic designers from Castile and Leon – 80 of them from Soria – have been invited to take part in the event, which is sponsored this year by the designer Isidro Ferrer. Bodegas Terras Gauda has launched the fifth edition of its Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition as a forum for the creativity of over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world.

The high level of participation and international media coverage enjoyed by the previous editions of the competition have made it a point of reference for top designers, schools and universities on all five continents.

The interest shown in last year´s edition was reflected by media coverage in countries all over the world, from Pakistan and Greenland to Taiwan, with designers from the Americas, Asia and all of Europe already having announced their intention to take part. Last year´s winner was chosen from 1,000 entries received from designers from India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, as well as European entries by designers from Germany, Austria, Belgium and Holland.

The deadline for entries is 30 September, with a first prize of 6,000 euros in cash and two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The winning poster will also be used as the basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign.

The designer Isidro Ferrer, who recently won 2006 the children´s and young people´s illustration award, is this year´s sponsor for the event, taking over from Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón and Óscar Mariné as a member of the jury.

News Source: Grafia
Date: 28/07/06
Country: Finland

Francisco Mantecón mainosjulistekilpailu

Dead-line 30.9.2006. Katso lisätiedot espanjalaisesta Bodegas Terras Gaudan järjestämästä kansainvälisestä mainosjulistekilpailusta:

Francisco Mantecón poster design competition

Deadline for entries 30 September 2006.
For further information on the international poster design competition organised by Bodegas Terras Gauda, visit the website:

News Source: Czechdesign
Date: 28/07/06
Country: Czech Republic

Francisco Mantecón
Romana Loušová – 28.07.2006

5. rocník mezinárodní souteže grafického designu

Vinné sklepy Bodegas Terras Gauda vyhlašují 5. rocník mezinárodní grafické souteže pojmenované po Franciscu Mantecónovi. Úkolem soutežících je vytvorit reklamní plakát spojený se sklepy Bodegas Terras Gauda.

Poslat své práce do souteže se muže kdokoli, konkurz je otevrený pro všechny, kdo mají chu' se zúcastnit.

Dosud neprezentované práce musí být zaslány ve dvou kopiích – na CD (príp. diskete) a na ctvrtce o maximálním rozmeru A0 a minimálním A4. Každý úcastník smí poslat maximálne dve práce.

Téma je zcela volné, hodnotí se predevším kreativita a spolecné aspekty s firmou, hlavne vztahující se k bílým vínum sklepu Terras Gauda a také zaclenení loga spolecnosti do návrhu.

Dña. Pilar Barreiro Mosquera – filoložka a vdova po Franciscovi Mantecónovi
D. Isidro Ferrer – designér a ilustrátor
D. Enrique Costas Rodríguez – reditel sklepu Bodegas Terras Gauda
D. Paulino Novo Folgueira – filolog, který se ujme funkce tajemníka
Dña. Carmen Llopis – reditelka ON DISEÑO
D. Jordi Martín Figuerola – vítez predchozího rocníku souteže

Všechny práce musí být odeslány nejpozdeji do 30. zárí 2006 do18:00 na adresu Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra. Na obálce s návrhy musí být autorovo jméno. Obálka musí obsahovat jeho celé jméno, kopii obcanského prukazu, adresu, telefon, e-mail a písemné potvrzení o souhlasu se soutežními podmínkami.

Udeluje se první, druhá a tretí cena. Vítez obdrží 6000 EU, další dve místa po 1500 EU.

Francisco Mantecón
Romana Loušová – 28.07.2006

5th edition of the International Graphic Design Competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda have announced the launch of the fifth edition of this graphic-design competition named after Francisco Mantecón. Entrants are invited to design a poster related to the winery.

The competition is open to any person wishing to enter.

Two copies of each entries are to be sent: one on CD (preferable, although floppy disks will be accepted) and another on board with a maximum size of A0 and minimum of A4. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two designs.

The topic is completely open, although creativity and aspects related to the business of Bodegas Terras Gauda, especially its white wine, will be particularly valued, as will the inclusion of the firm´s logo in each design

Pilar Barreiro Mosquera – philologist; Francisco Mantecón´s widow
Isidro Ferrer – designer and illustrator
Enrique Costas Rodríguez – director of Bodegas Terras Gauda
Paulino Novo Folgueira – philologist, acting as secretary
Carmen Llopis –editor of ON DISEÑO
Jordi Martín Figuerola – winner of last year´s edition

All entries must be received by 6:00 p.m. on 30 September 2006 at the following address:
Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., Carretera de Tui - A Guarda, Km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain.
Each entrant´s name must be marked on an envelope containing each entry. The envelope must also contain the entrant´s full name, a photocopy of your ID card or passport, address, telephone number, e-mail address and confirmation in writing that you accept the terms and conditions for the competition.

A first prize of 6,000 euros and two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each will be awarded.

News Source: Metrópoli (El Mundo)
Date: 21/07/06
Section: Citas (Agenda)

Design awards

Entries are being accepted until 30 September for the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition.

This event, organised by the Galician winery Terras Gauda, features a first prize of 6,000 euros in cash and two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros. Entrants can use a range of techniques and formats for their entries.
For more information:

News Source: Diario de Noticias
Date: 20/07/06
Section: Cultura (Culture)

180 designers from Navarre invited to enter the Mantecón competition
International award for the best poster design

Runner-up 4th Edition of the "FRANCISCO MANTECÓN" International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionBodegas Terras Gauda has presented the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, inviting over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world to take part — over 180 of them from Navarre. Last year´s runner-up was Ángel Blanco Egoskozabal, a designer from the Basque Country.

The large number of entries and extensive international media coverage received in previous years have meant that the competition enters its fifth edition as a point of reference for leading artists, schools and universities on all five continents. The expectation generated by abroad meant that last year the competition was covered by the media in such countries as Pakistan, Greenland and Taiwan, while for this edition designers from the America, Asia and all Europe have already announced their intention to take part.

Many European entries were received in last year´s edition of the competition, with designs from Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Serbia, Ukraine, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Ireland, the UK and Portugal, as well as 116 from Italy and 102 from France.

The deadline for entries to be received is 30 September. The winner of the first prize will receive 6,000 euros, with further prizes of 1,500 euros each for the two runners-up. The winning design will also be used as the basis for Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign. The patron of this year´s edition is Isidro Ferrer, the winner of the Spanish National Prize for Book Illustrations for Children and Young People 2006 and the National Design Prize 2002.

News Source: El Diario Vasco
Date: 20/07/06
Section: Agenda

Terras Gauda

Bodegas Terras Gauda are running the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón poster-design awards. The deadline for entries is 30 September. The first prize is 6,000 euros.
More information: (+34) 902 922 252 or (+34) 686 164 413.

News Source: Design Singapore
Date: 19/07/06
Section: Graphic Design

Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design Competition

Organised by: Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.

5th Edition of the "Francisco Mantecón" International Advertising Poster Design Competition.

5h Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionIn December 2001, the Board of Director of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., unanimously agreed X to set up an annual Advertising Poster Design Competition as a tribute to the artist who was not only solely responsible for the design of the corporate image, but also been a friend, efficient collaborator and partner since the creation of the Company. The winning original will form the basis for the Company´s advertising campaign for a one year period.

This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.

Original copies of entries, which must be unpublished, are to be submitted or mailed (by recorded delivery if the participant so wishes) to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda Offices in O Rosal (Galicia, Spain). All entries must be submitted in two formats:

- Recorded on a CD or diskette (in PC-readable format)
- Printed and affixed to light card, suitably protected, with a maximun size of DIN a-0 format (118 x 84 cm) and a minumum size of DIN A-4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Any form of photographic, painting or computerised techniques, etc may be used. Under exceptional circumstances originals creatid using painting techniques (oil, watercolours, guasch, pastels, etc) may be accepted without a computerised format.

Each participant is allowed to present a maximum of two entries.

Participant may base their entries on the theme of their choice, although ideally they will reflect corporate issues of the organising company, principally relating to its white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines. Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company´s logo into the design.

If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designer with a vectored copy of the logo that may be apllied to the works, as well as images of their products. The will be available at the following web: and

For more details, please head to: Conditions Entry
Open to participants from: International
Entries deadline: 30 September 2006
Additional information:

News Source: La Razón
Date: 16/07/06
Section: La imagen de la semana (Image of the Week)

5th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design Competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda
brings together the worlds of culture and business

For the fifth year running, Bodegas Terras Gauda brought together leading personalities from the worlds of culture, business and politics to present the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition. The winning design will be used as basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign.

In the picture: José María Fonseca Moretón, chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda; Elena Espinosa, the Spanish Agriculture minister; Manuel Fraga; Fernando Ónega, who acted as master of ceremonies; and Enrique Costas, the winery´s managing director.


News Source: Diario de León
Date: 16/07/06
Section: Revista (Josemi Rodríguez Sieiro) (Magazine)

Terras Gauda Competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda launched the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón poster-design competition at Calle 54. The host was José María Fonseca, and the guests of honour included the former president of Galicia, Manuel Fraga, and Fernando Ónega.

Augusto Borrás offered to show me the 160 hectares of the company´s vineyards in O Rosal, which I was happy to accept.

News Source: El Nuevo Herald (Miami)
Date: 16/07/06
Section: Rutas del arte (Art Routes)

Terras Gauda calls for entries for its design competition

The designer Isidro Ferrer is the patron of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, organised by the Spanish winery Terras Gauda, with artists and graphic designers from all over the world having been invited to submit entries.

The winner will receive a prize of 6,000 euros and the winning design will be used as the basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for submitting entries is 30 September.

News Source: La Voz de Galicia
Date: 16/07/06
Section: La Semana de Josemi (Josemi´s Week)

Terras Gauda Competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda launched the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón poster-design competition at Calle 54. The host was José María Fonseca, and the guests of honour included the former president of Galicia, Manuel Fraga, and Fernando Ónega.

Augusto Borrás offered to show me the 160 hectares of the company´s vineyards in O Rosal, which I was happy to accept.

News Source: Diario de Pontevedra
Date: 14/07/06
Section: Agenda (Diary)

Terras Gauda presents its poster-design competition

Terras Gauda presents 5th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionFor the fifth year running, Bodegas Terras Gauda brought together leading personalities from the worlds of culture, business and politics to present the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition.

Fernando Ónega was the presenter of the event, which was attended by the minister Elena Espinosa, Manuel Fraga, and representatives from such foundations as Ramón Areces, Pablo Iglesias, Altadis and Antena 3.

The launch, which was held at the Calle 54 club in Madrid, was also attended by the writer Jorge Reverte and the humorist, Antonio Mingote, as well as leading business figures, such as Francisco Cal Pardo, chairman of Tecniberia, and Agapito Ramos. Representatives from the Brazilian and Czech embassies were also present at the presentation of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón Competition, which Hill be a forum for the creativity for the 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world invited to take part.

News Source: La Región
Date: 14/07/2006
Section: Economía (Finance)

A bodega Terras Gauda reúne a Fraga e Espinosa na presentación do concurso de deseño de cartelismo

Bodegas Terras Gauda reuniu ó presidente da Xunta, Manuel Fraga, e á ministra de Agricultura e Pesca, Elena Espinosa, ademais de representantes de fundacións, como a Ramón Areces, Pablo Iglesias e Altadis, para presentar o V Concurso Internacional de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario Francisco Mantecón.

O acto tamén acudiron representantes das embaixadas de Brasil e da República Checa. O V Concurso Internacional de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario Francisco Mantecón será o foro de creatividade para os máis de 35.000 artistas gráficos, escolas e universidades de todo o mundo que foron convocados. Deseñadores de América, Asia e de toda Europa anunciaron a súa intención de participar neste evento. A dotación económica do primeiro premio ascende a 6.000 euros e concederanse dous accésits de 1.500 euros cada un. O gañador servirá de base para a próxima campaña publicitaria de Bodegas Terras Gauda. O prazo para presentar as obras finaliza o 30 de setembro.

The Terras Gauda winery brings together Fraga and Espinosa at the presentation of its poster-design competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda brought together the president of the Galician Regional Government, Manuel Fraga, and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Elena Espinosa, as well as representatives of several foundations, including Ramón Areces, Pablo Iglesias and Altadis, to present the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design Competition.

The event was also attended by representatives of the Brazilian and Czech embassies. This fifth edition of the competition will be a forum for over 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities from all over the world, who have been invited to take part. Designers from the Americas, Asia and all of Europe have announced their intention to send entries. The first prize winner will receive 6,000 euros, with two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The winning poster will also be used as the basis for Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for the receipt of entries is 30 September.

News Source: La Voz de Galicia
Date: 14/07/06
Section: Verano (Summer)

Terras Gauda presents the Francisco Mantecón competition

Leading figures from the worlds of culture, business and politics were brought together on Wednesday evening in Madrid for the launch of the fifth Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, organised by Terras Gauda, with entries from the Americas, Asia and Europe.

The event was attended by the winery´s chairman, José María Fonseca Moretón; the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Elena Espinosa; the senator and former president of the Galician Regional Government Manuel Fraga; and the humorist Antonio Mingote, among others. The journalist Fernando Ónega acted as the master of ceremonies..

News Source: El Correo Gallego
Date: 14/07/06
Section: Contraportada (Back page)

Prizes to be awarded by Terras Gauda

5th Edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Design CompetitionAs usually occurs at events organised by Bodegas Terras Gauda, nobody wanted to miss the Madrid launch of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition. The event was attended by the minister Elena Espinosa and the former Galician president Manuel Fraga, and presented by the journalist Fernando Ónega, with speeches by the chairman of Terras Gauda, José María Fonseca, and the designer Isidro Ferrer, who follows in the footsteps of Óscar Mariné, Alberto Corazón and the Catalonian designer Javier Mariscal as a member of the jury.

With entries already announced from the Americas, Asia and all of Europe, the event was attended by leading figures from the world of culture — including the writer Jorge Reverte and the humorist Antonio Mingote — and business — including Francisco Cal Pardo, chairman of Tecniberia and Agapito Ramos — and also representatives from the Brazilian and Czech embassies. The competition will serve as a forum for the creativity of the 35,000 graphic designers, schools and universities invited to submit entries.

The first prize is 6,000 euros, and the winning poster will be used as the basis for Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign. In short, an excellent opportunity for all designers.

News Source: El País
Date: 14/07/06
Section: Gente (People)

Poster-design competition

On Wednesday at Madrid´s Calle 54 club, the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Competition was launched, sponsored by the winery Terras Gauda. The first prize is 6,000 euros, with two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each. The winning poster will also be used as the basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign.
Deadline for entries: 30 September.
Further details: Communication Department, tel. (+34) 902 922 252 or (+34) 686 164 413.

News Source: La Opinión
Date: 14/07/06
Section: Sociedad (Society)

Terras Gauda calls for entries for its design award

Fernándo Ónega, Elena Espinosa and Manuel Fraga were some of the personalities who attended yesterday´s Madrid launch of Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition, organised by Bodegas Terras Gauda.

News Source: Nueva Avenida
Date: 02/07/06
Country: Argentina

The spanis winery TERRAS GAUDA calls for entries for its design competition

Over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world have been invited to participate in the 5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition, organised by the Spanish winery TERRAS GAUDA. This year, over 600 graphic designers, colleges of design and universities in ARGENTINA will be invited to submit entries for a competition that attracts increasing attention every year from leading design professionals on all five continents.

The well-known designer Isidro Ferrer will sponsor the event this year, taking over from the artists Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné and Javier Mariscal, who served as members of the jury in previous editions.

The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of 6,000 euros. The winning entry will also be used as the basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for entries is 30 September 2006.

In the previous edition of the competition over a thousand graphic designers from such countries as the United States, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, India, Korea, Finland, Italy and Singapore submitted entries, which has now become definitively consolidated internationally.

Bodegas TERRAS GAUDA has 160 hectares of its own vineyards in Galicia (Spain) and last year sold over a million bottles of the three wines it produces: TERRAS GAUDA, TERRAS GAUDA ETIQUETA NEGRA and ABADÍA DE SAN CAMPIO, which are marketed in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

For further information: |

News Source: Red Argenta
Date: Julio 2006
Country: Argentina

Design | International Competition

5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition

Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A. has made a call for entries for its fifth annual poster-design competition. Topics may be freely chosen, although preferably they will reflect corporate aspects of the organising firm, particularly those related to its albariño-grape-based white wines Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio.

Creativity will be positively valued in this respect, and the winery´s logo will be made available to all entrants who request a vectored version of the logo to be used in their designs, together with images of the firm´s products.
They will be available from: and

Closing date: 30 September 2006
Further information. Download terms and conditions document

News Source: Artmagazin
Date: July 2006
Country: Yugoslavia

Konkurs: 5. Medunarodni konkurs "Francisco Mantecón" (Španija)

Krajnji rok za slanje radova na konkurs je 30 septembar 2006.

Pod pokroviteljstvom španske kompanije "Terras Gauda" koja se bavi vinom otvoren je medunarodni dizajnerski konkurs za dizajn plakata. Pozvano je više od 34.000 grafickih dizajnera, dizajnerskih škola i univerziteta iz celog sveta da ucestvuju na konkursu. Dodeljuje se jedna prva nagrada u iznosu od 6.000 evra i dve ravnopravne nagrade u iznosu od po 1.500 evra.
Više informacija:

Competition: 5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Design Competition (Spain).

Deadline for entries: 30 September 2006.

The organisers of this international poster design competition, the Spanish wine company Terras Gauda, have invited over 34,000 graphic designers, schools of art and design and universities from all over the world to take part. A first prize of 6,000 euros will be awarded, plus two runners-up prizes of 1,500 euros each.
For more information, visit

Juni 2006

News Source: Magentta
Date: 29/06/06
Country: Chile

Bodegas Terras Gauda:
5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition

Tags: International Competition

Organised by the Spanish winery TERRAS GAUDA. Over 34,000 graphic designers, design colleges and universities from all over the world have been invited to take part in the event.

Location and deadline
Entries should be sent to Bodegas Terras Gauda S.A., Carretera de Tui – A Guarda, km 46, O Rosal – 36760 Pontevedra, by 6:00 p.m. on 30 September 2006. All entries posted and franked before 6:00 p.m. on 30 September will be admitted.

News Source: Reclama
Date: 28/06/06
Country: Russia

Reclama - Rusia

Information and advertising gateway for the Far East

Publicity kaleidoscope

Creativity in wine © [κAκ] graphic-design magazine

Not for its prestige, but simple for pleasure, you can try a glass of Terras Gauda wine and then put your creativity through its paces by designing a poster for this Spanish winery.

This is the fifth consecutive year that Bodegas Terras Gauda have organised an international competition for designers to come up with a poster for their famous product. The winning entry will be used as the basis for the firm´s advertising campaign next year.

Both individual and group entries will be accepted. The maximum number of entries submitted by each entrant is two. The originals of the designs, which must not have been published previously, are to be sent to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda. Entries must take the form of a digital version on CD and another mounted on board, no larger than A-0 size (118x84 cm).

The technique and topic is left open. (Painted entries need not be accompanied by computer files). However, entries that reflect the firm´s products – Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines – will be particularly valued during voting. However, the main criterion for assessment is creativity and craftsmanship when it comes to using the company´s logo in the poster design (the logo is available for entrants in various formats).

To submit entries:
Entries are to be submitted in envelopes bearing the entrant´s name.
Each entry must be accompanied by the following information: entrant´s full name, photocopy of ID card or passport, address and telephone number, any other contact details (e-mail, etc.) and signed acceptance of the terms and conditions of the competition.

Entries to be sent to:
Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A. Carretera de Tui - A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain.

First prize: 6,000 euros and the use of the winning entry in next year´s advertising campaign by the winery. Two runners-up: 1,500 euros each.

Deadline for entries: 30 September 2006.

For further information visit the website

News Source: Etapes
Date: 27/06/06
Country: Francia

Accueil » Concours

Consours d'affiches "Francisco Mantecón"

Concours | Graphisme | du 27/06/06 au 30/09/06

À la demande de l'entreprise viticole espagnole Bodegas Terras Gaudas le 5e concours international d'affiches publicitaires « Francisco Mantecón » se base sur la création de son image publicitaire concernant notamment son vin blanc, suivant n'importe quelle technique. Le jury attribuera un prix et deux distinctions à travers une récompense financière. Le règlement (délai 30 septembre) est disponible en ligne.

Joshua Haymann | 27/06/06

"Francisco Mantecón" Poster Design Competition

Competition | Graphic Design | 27 June–30 September 2006

The Spanish winery Bodegas Terras Gauda, the organisers of the fifth "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition, are seeking a new advertising image, particularly for their white wine, using any technique. The jury will award one first prize and two runners-up prizes. The rules for the competition are available online (closing date for entries: 30 September).

- Carretera de Tui - A Guarda
- Pontevedra
- Spain

Joshua Haymann | 27/06/06

News Source: Facultade Belas Artes. Universidade Oporto (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Oporto)
Date: 27/06/06
Country: Portugal

Conditions Francisco MantecónConcurso de Desenho Publicitário

"Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., por acordo unánime do Consello de Administración, acorda instituir con carácter anual un Concurso de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario, que en honor do artista que foi exclusivo deseñador da imaxe corporativa, amigo, eficaz colaborador e socio dende os momentos fundacionais, levará o nome de "Francisco Mantecón". O orixinal será o fundamental soporte sobre o que xire a imaxe publicitaria da entidade convocante durante esse ano".

Podrá tomar parte en este certamen cualquier persona física o jurídica sin más limitación que las impuestas por la legalidad vigente.

Los originales, que deberán ser inéditos, serán presentados o enviados (con justificante de envío, los participantes que lo deseen) en las dependencias de Bodegas Terras Gauda en O Rosal (Galicia, España). Todos los trabajos que opten al certamen deben ser presentados en dos tipos de soporte:

- Grabados en un CD o disquete (legible en formato PC)
- Impresos y pegados sobre un cartón pluma debidamente protegido, que no deberá exceder, como medida máxima, del formato DIN A-0 (118 x 84 cm) y como mínima, del formato DIN A-4 (29,7x21 cm.).

Podrán realizarse con cualquier técnica pictórica, fotográfica, informática, etc. Excepcionalmente los originales realizados con técnicas pictóricas (óleo, acuarela, guasch, pastel, etc) podrán ser admitidos sin soporte informático.

Se podrá presentar un máximo de dos obras por cada participante.

El tema será libre y preferentemente reflejará aspectos corporativos de la entidad convocante, fundamentalmente los relativos a sus vinos blancos de la variedad Albariño Terras Gauda y Abadía de San Campio. Se valorará positivamente la creatividad en este sentido y el encaje del anagrama societario.

Bodegas Terras Gauda pondrá a disposición de todos los diseñadores que lo soliciten el anagrama de la entidad en sistema vectorizado para su aplicación en las obras a realizar, así como imágenes de sus productos. Estarán disponibles en: y en Fotos y Anagramas.

Las obras se presentarán dentro de un sobre cerrado, que llevará en el exterior el seudónimo del autor. Es imprescindible incluir los siguientes datos:
- Nombre y apellidos del autor
- Fotocopia del D.N.I.
- Dirección y teléfono y correo electrónico
- Escrito de aceptación de las bases del certamen

Morada e Prazo:
Las obras se harán llegar a Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, antes de las 18 horas del día 30 de septiembre de 2006. Serán admitidos por correo todos aquellos trabajos que hayan sido sellados en las oficinas de correo antes de las 18 horas del día 30 de septiembre.

Las obras premiadas y todos sus derechos pasarán a ser propiedad de Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A. Podrá figurar en cualquier lugar discreto del cartel, preferentemente en las márgenes, la leyenda con la autoría de la obra.

Las obras presentadas al certamen que no hayan sido premiadas podrán ser retiradas en las dependencias de la bodega o solicitar su devolución en el plazo máximo de 1 semana, a partir de la fecha de entrega del premio.

El jurado de la quinta edición del Premio Francisco Mantecón de Cartelismo estará presidido por D. José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Presidente de Bodegas Terras Gauda, y lo formarán además las siguientes personas:

- Dña. Pilar Barreiro Mosquera – Filóloga y viuda de Francisco Mantecón
- D. Isidro Ferrer – Diseñador e Ilustrador
- D. Enrique Costas Rodríguez – Director-Gerente de Bodegas Terras Gauda
- D. Paulino Novo Folgueira – Filólogo, que actuará como secretario
- Dña. Carmen Llopis – Directora de ON DISEÑO
- D. Jordi Martín Figuerola – Ganador de la edición anterior

La decisión del jurado será inapelable y a él le corresponderá resolver cualquier circunstancia no prevista en estas bases.

Se concederán un premio y dos accésit. Las dotaciones económicas de estos serán:

SEIS MIL (6.000) euros para el cartel premiado
MIL QUINIENTOS (1.500) euros para cada uno de los accésit

El jurado podrá declarar desierto cualquiera de los premios. En este caso, el importe correspondiente se donará a una entidad que, a criterio del jurado, destaque en Galicia por su labor social o cultural.

Entrega dos Prémios:
La comunicación de la decisión del jurado se hará pública en un acto, a celebrar antes del 31 de diciembre de 2006, en lugar y fecha que se comunicará oportunamente a los autores cuyas obras queden entre las finalistas del concurso en y

O qué Concurso Prémio
Quando 2006-06-27 15:32 até 2006-09-30 17:00
Onde Pontevedra/ES
Nome do Contacto Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A
Email do Contacto
Telefone do Contacto +34 981 22 72 00
Mais informação sobre este evento

Poster-design competition

"The Board of Directors of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., has unanimously agreed to set up an annual Advertising Poster Design Competition as a tribute to the artist who was not only solely responsible for the design of the corporate image, but also been a friend, efficient collaborator and partner since the creation of the Company. The winning original will form the basis for the Company's advertising campaign for a one year period".

This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.

Original copies of entries, which must be unpublished, are to be submitted or mailed (by recorded delivery if the participant so wishes) to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda offices in O Rosal (Galicia, Spain). All entries must be submitted in two formats:

– Recorded on a CD or diskette (in PC-readable format)
– Printed and affixed to light card, suitably protected, with a maximum size of DIN A-0 format (118 x 84 cm) and a minumum size of DIN A-4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Any form of photographic, painting or computerised techniques, etc may be used. Under exceptional circumstances originals created using painting techniques (oil, watercolours, guasch, pastels, etc) may be accepted without a computerised format.

Each participant is allowed to present a maximum of two entries.

Participant may base their entries on the theme of their choice, although ideally they will reflect corporate issues of the organising company, principally relating to its white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines. Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company's logo into the design.

If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designers with a vectored copy of the logo that may be apllied to the works, as well as images of their products. These will be available at the following web: and Images and Logo.

The works will be presented inside a sealed envelope bearing the author's pseudonym. It is critical that the following information be included:
– Artist's full name
– Photocopy of his/her Identity Card
– Address, Telephone Number and email
– Written acceptance of the competition rules

Addres and Closing Date
The works are to be sent to Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., at the following address: Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain, before 6 p.m. on 30 September 2006. All those works postmarked prior to 6 p.m. on 30 September will be acceptede.

The winning works and all corresponding rights will become the property of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A. The works may include references to their authors, provided they appear in a discrete position, preferably in the margins.

All non-winning entries may be collected from the company offices or alternatively a request may be made for their return within one week of the prize ceremony.

The jury of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón Poster Design Prize will be chaired by José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda, with the additional members:

- Pilar Barreiro Mosquera – Philologist and widow of Francisco Mantecón
- Isidro Ferrer – Designer and Illustrator
- Enrique Costas Rodríguez – Managing Director of Bodegas Terras Gauda
- Paulino Novo Folgueira – Philologist (Panel secretary)
- Carmen Llopis – Directress of ON DISEÑO
- Jordi Martín Figuerola – Winner of the fourth edition

The judges' decision is final an they hold sole responsibility for resolving any situation not contemplated in these rules and conditions.

One first prize and two runners up prizes will be awarded. Details of the prize money are given bellow:
SIX THOUSAND (6,000) euros for the winning poster
ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,500) eurosfor each of the two runners up

The judges may opt not to award any of the prizes. In this event, the corresponding prize money is to be donated to an organisation that, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has made an outstanding social or cultural contribution to Galicia.

The jury's decision will be announced at a public event to held before 31 December 2006, on a date and at place to be comunicated ind due course to those designers whose entries are accepted as finalists in the competition, and also published on the and

What: Prize competition
When: 27 June 2006 until 5 p.m. on 30 September 2006
Where: Pontevedra (Spain)
Contact: Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.
Contact e-mail:
Contact tel.: +34 981 22 72 00
for additional information on this event

News Source: Nieke
Date: 27/06/06
Country: Paraguay

27 June 2006: Over 34,000 graphic designers invited to take part in competition
Over 34,000 graphic designers have been invited to take part in the 5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition. Source: NEIKE

Over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world have been invited to take part in the fifth edition of the "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition, organised by the Spanish winery Terras Gauda.

This year, over 4,000 designers, art and design colleges and universities in Latin America will be invited to take part in an event that every year attracts more and more leading professionals from all five continents.

The well-known designer Isidro Ferrer is sponsoring this year´s edition, taking over from artists such as Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné and Javier Mariscal, who served as members of the jury in previous editions.

The winner of the fifth "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition will receive a cash prize of 6,000 euros. The winning entry will also be used as the basis for the winery´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for entries is 30 September 2006.

In the fourth edition of the competition over 1,000 designers from such countries as the United States, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, India, Korea, Finland, Italy and Singapore submitted entries for the competition, which has now become definitively consolidated internationally.

For further details: |

News Source: Colegio de Diseñadores Profesionales de Chile
Date: 27/06/06
Country: Chile

5th International Design Competition

5th international Poster Design Competitiono

Convened by the Spanish winery TERRAS GAUDA.
Over 34,000 graphic designers, design colleges and universities from all over the world have been invited to take part in the event.
For further details, visit

News Source: Hispania News (USA)
Date: 27/06/06
Section: Arte (Art)

Terras Gauda - Design Competition

Over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world invited to enter design competition

The leading designer Isidro Ferrer takes over from the major figures Javier Mariscal, Óscar Mariné and Alberto Corazón as the patron of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón International Poster Design Competition.

Over 34,000 graphic designers from all over the world have been invited to submit entries for this year´s awards, organised by the Spanish winery TERRAS GAUDA. In the United States alone, over 5,000 designers, graphic-design studios and universities will receive the call for entries and have the opportunity to take part in a competition that consolidates its prestige in all five continents with each edition held.

The well-known graphic designer Isidro Ferrer is the patron of this year´s competition, taking over from the artists Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné and Javier Mariscal to serve as a member of the jury.

The winner will receive a cash prize of 6,000 euros, and the winning design will be used as the basis for Bodegas Terras Gauda´s next advertising campaign. The deadline for entries is 30 September.

In last year´s edition of the competition over a thousand entries were received from such countries as the USA, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, India, Korea, Finland, Italy and Singapore, which has become firmly consolidated at an international level.

Bodegas Terras Gauda operates 160 hectares of its own vineyards in Galicia (Spain). Last year the firm sold over a million bottles of the three wines it markets in Europe, Asia and the Americas: Terras Gauda, Terras Gauda Etiqueta Negra and Abadía de San Campio.

More information at: and

News Source: Arte Dinámico
Date: 12/06/06
Country: Colombia

5th "FRANCISCO MANTECÓN" International Poster Design Competition

Organised by Bodegas Terras Gauda
Deadline for entries 30 September 2006

During the meeting held on 21 December 2001 a decision was adopted which reads as follows:
"Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., por acordo unánime do Consello de Administración, acorda instituir con carácter anual un Concurso de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario, que en honor do artista que foi exclusivo deseñador da imaxe corporativa, amigo, eficaz colaborador e socio dende os momentos fundacionais, levará o nome de "Francisco Mantecón". O orixinal será o fundamental soporte sobre o que xire a imaxe publicitaria da entidade convocante durante ese ano".



This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.


Original copies of entries, which must be unpublished, are to be submitted or mailed (by recorded delivery if the participant so wishes) to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda offices in O Rosal (Galicia, Spain). All entries must be submitted in two formats:

– Recorded on a CD or diskette (in PC-readable format)
– Printed and affixed to light card, suitably protected, with a maximum size of DIN A-0 format (118 x 84 cm) and a minumum size of DIN A-4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Any form of photographic, painting or computerised techniques, etc may be used.
Under exceptional circumstances originals created using painting techniques (oil, watercolours, guasch, pastels, etc) may be accepted without a computerised format.

Each participant is allowed to present a maximum of two entries.

Participant may base their entries on the theme of their choice, although ideally they will reflect corporate issues of the organising company, principally relating to its white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines. Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company's logo into the design.

If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designers with a vectored copy of the logo that may be apllied to the works, as well as images of their products. These will be available at the following web: and Images and Logo.


The works will be presented inside a sealed envelope bearing the author's pseudonym. It is critical that the following information be included:

– Artist's full name
– Photocopy of his/her Identity Card
– Address, Telephone Number and email
– Written acceptance of the competition rules


The works are to be sent to Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., at the following address: Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 46, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain, before 6 p.m. on 30 September 2006. All those works postmarked prior to 6 p.m. on 30 September will be acceptede.


The winning works and all corresponding rights will become the property of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A. The works may include references to their authors, provided they appear in a discrete position, preferably in the margins.

All non-winning entries may be collected from the company offices or alternatively a request may be made for their return within one week of the prize ceremony.


The jury of the fifth edition of the Francisco Mantecón Poster Design Prize will be chaired by José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda, with the additional members:

- Pilar Barreiro Mosquera – Philologist and widow of Francisco Mantecón
- Isidro Ferrer – Designer and Illustrator
- Enrique Costas Rodríguez – Managing Director of Bodegas Terras Gauda
- Paulino Novo Folgueira – Philologist (Panel secretary)
- Carmen Llopis – Directress of ON DISEÑO
- Jordi Martín Figuerola – Winner of the fourth edition

The judges' decision is final an they hold sole responsibility for resolving any situation not contemplated in these rules and conditions.


One first prize and two runners up prizes will be awarded. Details of the prize money are given bellow:
SIX THOUSAND (6,000) euros for the winning poster
ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,500) eurosfor each of the two runners up
The judges may opt not to award any of the prizes. In this event, the corresponding prize money is to be donated to an organisation that, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has made an outstanding social or cultural contribution to Galicia.


The jury's decision will be announced at a public event to held before 31 December 2006, on a date and at place to be comunicated ind due course to those designers whose entries are accepted as finalists in the competition, and also published on the and

For further information, please contact Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.
Telephone: +0034 986 621 111 / 981 22 72 00
Fax: +0034 986 621 084


News Source: College Central
Date: Juni 2006
Country: U.S.A.

Shool of Visual Arts

College Central Network Services

V Francisco Mantecón PublicityPoster Design Contest

Announcing the V Francisco Mantecón International Publicity Poster Design Competition, organized by the Spanish wine company TERRAS GAUDA. More than 35,000 graphic artists, design schools and universities from all over the world are invited to take part in the competition. For more information, please visit our websites or

News Source: Isopixel
Date: Juni 2006
Country: Mexico

5th "Francisco Mantecón" International Poster Design Competition

At a meeting held on 21 December 2001 a resolution was approved, which literally read as follows:

"Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., por acordo unánime do Consello de Administración, acorda instituir con carácter anual un Concurso de Deseño de Cartelismo Publicitario, que en honor do artista que foi exclusivo deseñador da imaxe corporativa, amigo, eficaz colaborador e socio dende os momentos fundacionais, levará o nome de "Francisco Mantecón". O orixinal será o fundamental soporte sobre o que xire a imaxe publicitaria da entidade convocante durante ese ano"

This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.

Rules for entry and further information here.