During the meeting held on 21 December 2001 a decision was
adopted which reads as follows:
"The Board of Directors of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A., has unanimously
agreed to set up an annual Advertising Poster Design Competition as a tribute to the artist who was not
only solely responsible for the design of the corporate image, but also been a friend, efficient
collaborator and partner since the creation of the Company. The winning original will form the basis
for the Company's advertising campaign for a one year period".
Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority are once again the proud sponsors of the enormous and prestigious communications project that the Francisco Mantecón International Advertising Poster Competition has become. In an effort to establish a permanent connection between the competition and the city of Vigo and Galicia, both parties have signed a collaborative agreement which will allow the Port of Vigo (one of the most important in the world) to serve as an annual showcase for avant garde international art through the annual exhibition of the original Competition entries. The Port will also host meetings of the panel of judges and be the site of the award ceremony.
The following announcement is the fruit of this agreement:
This competition is open to any natural or corporate person subject only to the restrictions imposed by current legislation.
Original copies of entries, which must be unpublished, are to be submitted or mailed (by recorded delivery if the participant so wishes) to the offices of Bodegas Terras Gauda in O Rosal (Galicia, Spain). All entries must be submitted in two formats:
Any form of photographic, painting or computerised techniques, etc may be used.
Under exceptional
circumstances originals created using painting techniques (oil, watercolours, guasch, pastels, etc)
may be accepted without a computerised format.
Each participant is allowed to present a maximum of two entries.
Participant may base their entries on the theme of their choice, although ideally they will reflect corporate issues of the organising company, principally relating to its white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines. Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company's logo into the design.
If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designers with a vectored copy of the logo that may be apllied to the works, as well as images of their products. These will be available at the following web: www.terrasgauda.com and www.franciscomantecon.com
The works will be presented inside a sealed envelope bearing the author's pseudonym. It is critical that the following information be included:
For cultural purposes only, no commercial value is the phrase that is written on customs forms when posters are sent internationally.
The works are to be sent to Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., at the following address: Carretera de Tui-A Guarda, km. 55, O Rosal - 36760 Pontevedra, Spain, before 6 p.m. on 30 September 2013. All those works postmarked prior to 6 p.m. on 30 September will be accepted.
The winning works and all corresponding rights will become the property of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A., that likewise reserves the right to reproduce the finalists´ works.
Once the participating posters have been exhibited for the panel of judges, the media and the general public, they will be destroyed to ensure that they will not be used for purposes other than participation in this contest.
The jury of the Eleventh edition of the Francisco Mantecón Poster Design Prize will be chaired by José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda.
In addition, the panel of judges also includes:
The judges' decision is final an they hold sole responsibility for resolving any situation not contemplated in these rules and conditions.
Terras Gauda Wineries shall award:
The jury's decision will be announced at a public event to held before 31 December 2013, on a date and at place to be comunicated ind due course to those designers whose entries are accepted as finalists in the competition, and also published on the www.terrasgauda.com and www.franciscomantecon.com websites
For further information, please contact Bodegas Terras Gauda, S.A.
Telephone: + 0034 986
621 111 / 981 22 72 00
Fax: +0034 986 621 084
As stipulated by Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that your personal information will be included in a file, for which BODEGAS TERRAS GAUDA, S.A. is responsible. Their corporate address is: Carretera Tui A Guarda Km 55, 36760 O Rosal (Pontevedra). The purpose of this file is to process information from participants in contests organized by this company. We inform you that your information may be provided to the media in order to publicize participants and winners in contests we organize. If you so wish, you may exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel and object to this information by writing to the address indicated above, including a photocopy of your National Document of Identification.