


  • Media: EL PAIS.ES
  • Date: 28/12/2011
  • Country: Spain
Award for a single cartel pdf

A bottle upside down is the nose, the mouth is a fish eye and two circles. They are the parts of a face drawn in black on white. With this simple design, the Navarre Echarri Cristina Vergara has been the first Award of the 10th International Poster Contest Francisco Mantecón, endowed with 10,000 euros. born in Berain (Navarra) 40 years ago, Vergara account by phone, as in the design "more is less" was raised with her ​​poster "have the most with the least", so that the poster "to fulfill its function and is recorded in memory.".

With the winning poster in 2012, that the image of Bodegas Terras Gauda, promoters of the contest-Vergara I wanted to convey "the experience one has when drinking wine." Thus, the bottle represents the nose because "before taking it, the wine will smell is the sense of smell". The metaphor continues with the drawing of the fish, representing a mouth, the body linked to the food, the fishing culture of the area that produces some of the wines from this winery in Galicia, the Rias Baixas. The black on white "gives graphic force," the poster. The process of developing its work explains that although groped other ideas, opted for "pure design" and do what he wanted.

The jury is one of the usual highlights of the award. This time, Oscar Mariné, Manuel Estrada, Isidro Ferrer, Pep Carrio and Estudio Mariscal and Emilio Gil were responsible for choosing the last December 19 the best. "Not looking for anything special. The winner of the idea summed up very well, perfectly built, "says Mariné, National Design Award 2010, poster highlighting the "human form".

From the discussions to choose the winner of the contest, Mariné, which already was sworn in 2006 - underlines that "there much material level" between 2,100 works submitted from 54 countries. "We were picking up ideas, but we got quickly agreed," says Mariné, who claimed the quality of Spanish design and celebrates "The amount of people who are approaching this profession".

Who is not in the design beginner is a winner, Cristina Vergara: "She studied Fine Arts, after worked in several studies in Madrid until I decided to open the mine in 1998". Her career has already been linked to the wine which works "enough to hold" of their autonomous region. This is not only very Navarra happy about the prize-the largest it has received, but because jurors are "concerning the design Spanish". "I'm a fan of them all", she says.

To mark the tenth Francisco Mantecón Award, organizers-some wineries that export to 50 countries, prepared a book with the works of the winners and finalists in all editions. In this occasion, with Vergara, Special Mention was awarded to Adele Janse van from South Africa Muur, the first runner-up was for Galician Menaza Roberto Arguelles and the second prize was won José María Valencia Miñones. They, unlike Vergara, they chose the color.

  • Date: 17/12/2011
  • Country: Spain
Cristina Vergara wins poster Mantecón pdf

foto de La VozThe work presented by Cristina Vergara Echarri took first prize in the International Poster Mantecón Francisco, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary. In the During a ceremony held at the Maritime Station of Vigo, where over the last month have been exposed more than 2,100 works submitted, received Navarre designer the check of 10,000€ which is accompanied the award. This is a sequel no less interesting, since the poster will become the winery's image headed by José María Fonseca along the next year.

The jury also agreed to provide two separate runner-up Roberto Arguelles and Vigo José María Valencia Miñones. Finally, he received a special mention South Africa's work presented by Adele Jansen Van Vuuren.

Fonseca did not conceal the satisfaction he produced just a decade that the contest has become dimension and prestige in its day, hardly dared to dream. Thus, in this edition has not only historical involvement but have reached 54 works countries on five continents.

  • Media: ABC
  • Date: 17/12/2011
  • Country: Spain
Art, advertising and a touch of wit pdf

Advertising poster awards "Francisco Mantecón" sponsored by the winery Terras Gauda, ​​held yesterday its 10th anniversary with an awards ceremony marked by the heterogeneity of the proposals designers participating in this edition. Thus, the first prize, artistic work of the Navarre Cristina Vergara, was praised by the judges «for their impeccable resolution, by demonstrated artistic correction and simplification with which the designer shaped her ideas. », always with the bottle as a symbol and brand differentiator.

foto de La VozProof of the internationally renowned award - which links the graphical design with the technical poster - is gaining worldwide are about 2,100 projects submitted to the convening of this year. Them, and released by members of the organization, a good part comes from as far away as China, Canada or South Africa, from where he traveled winning artist special mention of 2011.« high participation and geographic diversity, they suggest idea promoters are a reflection of the projection that this award in the creative community welcomed and major international organizations and universities worldwide. » they say.

In this expansion for the most outstanding cultural spheres had much weight that the diffusion competition achieved through the Internet and social networking spaces «that acted as link with graphic artists, design studios, art schools, graphic communications and even magazines» comment from Terras Gauda. In this way, and in 10 years, the «Francisco Mantecón" received more than 12,000 posters from 86 countries on 5 continents. Her popularity on the social level can be traced in more than 400 publications engaged in annual web pages, blogs, design, literature and general press Spain and abroad. The Facebook profile of the prize, an index of popularity, than the 2,500 adesiones interest group.

In the philosophy of departure for this event highlights the figure of the artist Francisco Mantecón who also to name the award, was instrumental in the image of these wineries, year after years, is analyzed and studied by thousands of new designers who are the wake of this «creative and unique artist who shined his unique talent and master all that had something to do with the image of Terras Gauda since birth».

At the awards ceremony, held at the Maritime Station of Vigo, gathered more than 500 personalities from the cultural, artistic, social, political and business. These include the attended by the President of the Port Authority of the city, Ignacio López Chaves, and 2 members of jury, among which were Manuel Estrada, Oscar Mariné, Isidro Ferrer, Emilio Gil and Pep Carrió. The big event was absent from the Prime Minister Gallego, Alberto Núñez Feijoo who due to a bout of flu could not preside over the award ceremony as planned.

The court in charge of analyzing and evaluating the myriad of projects submitted to the contest resolved finally granted a first prize of 10,000 euros and 2 second prizes of 2,000 each, which fell Roberto Arqüelles the Galician and Valencian Maria Jose Miñones Olveira.

  • Date: 14/11/2011
  • Country: Spain
Internationally renowned designers in the Maritime Station of Vigo pdf

BODEGAS TERRAS GAUDA has gathered at the Maritime Station of Vigo to a representation of the most prestigious national designers internacioanl - Óscar Mariné, Estudio Mariscal, Isidro Ferrer, Manuel Estrada, Pep Carrio, Emilio Gil...- to select the finalists and winners of the 10th Contest Francisco International Poster Mantecón. The winery has achieved a milestone participation in the 10 th anniversary: ​​over 2,100 posters from 54 countries worldwide, from the to 1.190 are signed by foreign designers. They are all, more than 500 posters on the 2010. Exposure abuerta premanecerá until 14 December.

  • Date: 19/12/2011
  • Country: Spain
An award-flavored wine pdf

The first prize of 10º poster competition "Francisco Mantecón" organized by Bodegas Terras Gauda, already has an owner. This is Navarre designer Cristina Vergara Echarri. Competition, of course, did not fail him: more than 2,100 works from 54 countries around the world "beat" to get the 10,000 euros prize. However, the poster you see in the picture is the finally convinced the prestigious jury consisting of names such as Estudio Mariscal, Óscar Mariné, Manuel Estrada, Isidro Ferrer, Pep Carrió and Emilio Gil.

  • Date: 20/06/2011
  • Country: México
Terras Gauda pdf

Fernando Ónega presented at the Ritz Hotel the ceremony, attended by over 400 personalities the cultural, political, business and diplomatic and involved the president of the winery, José M ª Fonseca, and designers who are part of the jury.

Terras Gauda brings together national designers with greater international prestige proyeccióny: Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné, Isidro Ferrer, Manuel Estrada, Pep Carrió and Emilio Gil on the 10 th International Poster Contest Francisco Mantecón. the seven professionals who worked individually and in previous years, will form the jury that meet on October 28 and will participate in the edition of a book collect the highlight of the first ten years of the contest.

foto de La VozThe support of institutions such as the Association ALADI Latin American Design, for the second consecutive year, has given its stamp of support are key factors for the prestige and visibility of attendance, which have also helped other professional groups such as The International Design Council (UK), Design Austria, Illustrations Israeli Association Latvijas Dizaineru Savier! Ba (Latvia) Artystów Polskich Zwiazek Plastyków (Poland), among others.

The Involvement of the international academic community to push for Has Been Recognition competition from the five continents in Universities: Shandong University of Art and Design (China), Massey University (New Zealand), École des arts de l'Université Laval visuels (Canada), Hongik University (Korea), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA), Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu on Monialainen (Finland) or Vysoká skola umëleckoprumyslová v Praze (Czech Republic).

The national and international media coverage is higher in each edition. Only last year 255 websites, graphic design blogs, magazines and newspapers overall 40 countries around the world published information. Social networks have expanded dissemination to serve as a link with artists, art schools and communities graphs.

International recognition of Francisco Mantecón has helped increase participation, from 70 of the 1 to the 1.654 edition posters from 58 countries on five continents received last year. Since 2001 proposals have sent nearly 10,000 designers, with the presence of already established artists and professionals and young artists for the contest was a platform release. The September 30th is the deadline to submit posters on this issue. Thanks to agreement with the Port Authority of Vigo, for the second consecutive year will be presented during the November all the works received by the Maritime Station of Vigo, where he will meet the jury and prizes will be awarded on 16 December.

More than 120,000 artists, design studios, associations, universities and professionals involved to the design world in 180 countries around the world have been invited to participate this year. In just a decade's competition has become a reference for and international artistic avant-garde in the consolidated quotation agenda of the great professionals design. The only contest of its kind convened an international wine and joining shared Art and Wine € 16,000 in cash prizes (10,000 euros for the winner and 2,000 euros respectively for 1 runner-up Port of Vigo Foundation, 2nd runner-up and Special Mention).

  • Date: 17/07/2011
  • Country: Malta
Concurso de Cartelismo pdf

Over 120,000artists, design studios, associations, universities and design professionals from 180 countries are participating in the Francisco Mantecón Competition. Advertising Poster competition, which will award 16,000 euros in cash prizes. Thedeadline for submitting posters is September 30. The Spanish winery Terras Gauda is bringing together internationally prestigious designers Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné, Isidro Ferrer, Manuel Estrada, Pep Carrió and Emilio Gil forthe competition.

These seven professionals will form the panel of judges who will meet on October 28. They will also participate in the publishing of a book showcasing the first 10 years of the competition. The international recognition of the Francisco Mantecón Competition has contributed to expanding participation from 70 entries in the first edition to the 1,654 posters from 58 countries received last year.

Forthe second yearin a row, all works received will be exhibited at the Vigo Maritime Station, where the panel of judges will meet and the awards will be presented on December 16. It is the only competition of these characteristics held by a winery on an international level.

  • Date: 21/06/2011
  • Country: China
Francisco Mantecón pdf
  • Date: 18/05/2011
  • Country: Chile
Call the school of designers from Chile pdf

It has summoned the 10 th International Poster Contest Francisco Mantecón organized by the Spanish winery Terras Gauda and the Port Authority of Vigo, which reflects the enormous communication work and prestige that has become the International Poster Competition Francisco Mantecón.

Javier Mariscal, Alberto Corazón, Óscar Mariné, Manuel Estrada, Isidro Ferrer, Pep Carrió Emilio Gil and part of the jury for the 10th Anniversary of International Poster Design Competition Francisco Mantecón, whom we invite to participate.

Graphic artists, design studios, art schools and universities around the world are invited to the event.

  • Media: Московский плакат - DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION OF POSTERS
  • Date: 01/07/2011
  • Country: Rusia
Francisco Mantecón Competition pdf
  • Date: 29/06/2011
  • Country: Austria
Francisco Mantecón Competition pdf
  • Date: 29/06/2011
  • Country: Belgium
Francisco Mantecón Competition pdf
  • Date: 29/06/2011
  • Country: Lithuania
Francisco Mantecón Competition pdf